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Introducing the T-Ring Flex, the world’s first universal tourniquet for digits. Created by a physician, the T-Ring ensures immediate hemostasis with significantly less pressure than other tourniquets. Its bright design makes it highly visible, so it’s hard to overlook. The T-Ring Flex offers a faster, safer, and more user-friendly solution when helping others treat finger cuts. (The original T-Ring or T-Ring Finger Cut Kit is perfect for treating one's own injury.) 

In the US finger cuts are a very common injury, causing more than 20 million people to visit the doctor or ER. The trickiest part of treatment is stopping the finger from bleeding which the T-ring finger tourniquet is designed to do. In addition, 95% of cuts do not require sutures, bandages included are enough. This kit could save you thousands of dollars in treatment!


  • Provides the greatest flexibility for all injuries and elective procedures
  • Immediately stops bleeding
  • Ideal for narrow spaces – soft & comfortable
  • Pediatrician and Podiatrist recommended
  • One Size Fits All
  • Self adjusts – applies ideal pressure every time
  • Simply stretch to apply & remove
  • Highly visible 
  • Latex-free
  • Instructions included
  • For use on fingers and toes

T-Ring Flex Finger Tourniquet

SKU: 20-0143
Excluding Sales Tax
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