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The Industrial Burn care Kit is a great tool for keeping a professional kitchen or laboratory safe. The Industrial Burn care Kit can treat multiple burn injuries from touching hot surfaces, liquids, and caustic materials. Its compact, but vibrant frame lets you store it conveniently while still being visible.

The burn care contains four packets of burn cream designed to moisturize, disinfect, and help minor burns heal. The gauze pads and rolls provide a soft and comfortable layer of protection. The instant cold packs reduce pain and swelling and can even be taped onto the affected area to keep your hands free.

Kit Includes:


  • 2 Burn Dressings, 4" x 4"
  • 4 Burn Gel Packets, 3.5g
  • 2 Instant Cold Packs, 5" x 6"
  • 2 Roll Gauze, 4" x 4yds
  • 6 Gauze Pads, 3" x 3"
  • 1 Adhesive Tapes 1" x 10yds
  • 1 Scissors
  • 2 Nitrile Gloves, 1 pair LG

Industrial Burn Kit

SKU: 911-98000-99000S
Excluding Sales Tax
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